August 16-18, 2023 - FEA USP

Registration will be open for panelists until 07/10/2023
Authors with accepted papers who do not pay the registration fee until 07/10/2023 will not have their papers included in the conference program.
Registration for attendees will be open until 08/18/2023.
The event will be held in São Paulo - Brazil at the Department of Economics of the University of Sao Paulo (Av. Prof. Luciano Gualberto, 908 - Butantã, São Paulo)
We kindly ask you to carefully review the information in the registration form since it will be used in all official documents of the event.
If you have further questions please send us an email: gefam@gefam.com.br
By registering for the conference, you will automatically become a member of the Society of Family and Gender Economics for one year.
By July 15th
*Reduced fees are exclusive for Brazilian students enrollment at Brazilian universities.
After July 16th
*Reduced fees are exclusive for Brazilian students enrollment at Brazilian universities.
Lunch will be offered at FEA/USP Congregation.
Closing Party
GeFam would like to invite those who registered for the event to the Closing Party (with music) of the 4th Brazilian Meeting on Family and Gender Economics with the aim of celebrating one more meeting.
Date: August 18, 2023
Time: 8pm BRT — Brasília Time
Venue: Lupe Bar (Rua Cunha Gago 625 - Pinheiros/São Paulo) https://www.lupebar.com.br/
The FEA-USP region is not served by many hotel chains in its surrounding area. GeFam managed to reach an agreement with some hotels closer to the university for your convenience:
Hilton Garden Inn Rebouças - 17% on the site price with GEFAM coupon: https://atlantica.letsbook.com.br/d/publiclink?r=1e2e25ca824b4947b6cab896ad82f513&p=GEFAM
Golden Tower - 5% on the site price with GEFAM coupon: https://www.goldentowerhotel.com.br/
Address Faria Lima by Intercity - 5% on the site price with GEFAM coupon: https://www.intercityhoteis.com.br/hotel-sao-paulo/hotel-address-faria-lima-by-intercity/14/
Ibis Styles Faria Lima - 15% on the site price with GEFAM coupon: https://all.accor.com/brasil/index.pt-br.shtml
Quality Faria Lima - 17% on the site price with GEFAM coupon: https://atlantica.letsbook.com.br/d/publiclink?r=575f4a5378034dc0b650b88f3c0ad281&p=GEFAM
Mercure Pinheiros - 15% on the site price: http://www.accorhotels.com/lien_externe.svlt?goto=rech_resa&destination=3147&sourceid=EVNTOS&dayIn=15&monthIn=08&yearIn=2023&nightNb=1&preferredCode=EVNTOS&merchantid=par-accorFR (Internet Explorer link). Coupon for Google Chrome: EVNTOS https://all.accor.com/brasil/index.pt-br.shtml
WZ Hotel Jardins - negotiated rate agreement:
Standard room: single - R$ 422,00 / double - R$ 489,00 (BRL currency - price per day)
Superior room: single - R$ 536,00 / double -R$ 606,00 (BRL currency - price per day)
All requests must be sent to the following e-mail: reservas@wzhoteljardins.com.br / grupos@wzhoteljardins.com.br
In order to identify the rates, the requests must be described as “Gefam” or “Encontro Brasileiro em Economia da Família e do Gênero”
George V Alto de Pinheiros - negotiated rate agreement, promotional price up to 06/19:
Luxury Suite - R$ 760,00 + 5% ISS (BRL currency - price per day)
Super Luxury Suite - $ 897,00 + 5% ISS (BRL currency - price per day)
Master Suite - R$ 1.406,00 + 5% ISS (BRL currency - price per day)
All requests must be sent to the following e-mail: altodepinheiros@georgev.com.br / vendas@grupoaldan.com.br.
The e-mail must contain: period of stay, number of guests, payment method, no-show guarantee and desired suite (subject to availability), in addition to informing the special rate “ENCONTRO BRASILEIRO DE ECONOMIA DA FAMILIA E DE GENERO”
George V Casa Branca - negotiated rate agreement, promotional price up to 06/19:
Luxury Suite - R$ 978,00 + 5% ISS (BRL currency - price per day)
Super Luxury Suite - $ 1.115,00 + 5% ISS (BRL currency - price per day)
Master Suite - R$ 2.064,00 + 5% ISS (BRL currency - price per day)
All requests must be sent to the following e-mail: casabranca@georgev.com.br / vendas@grupoaldan.com.br
The e-mail must contain: period of stay, number of guests, payment method, no-show guarantee and desired suite (subject to availability), in addition to informing the special rate “ENCONTRO BRASILEIRO DE ECONOMIA DA FAMILIA E DE GENERO”

Visa information
Visa required
Please check if your country requires a visa to enter Brazil.
If you have any further questions, kindly contact the local organizers via gefam@gefam.com.br