Daniela Verzola Vaz is a full-time Professor of Economics at the Department of Economics of Federal University of São Paulo (Unifesp, Brazil) since 2013. She teaches undergraduate and graduate courses in Statistics and Econometrics at Unifesp.
Vaz received a Ph.D. in Economics from the State University of Campinas (Unicamp) for her work on the gender wage gap in the Brazilian public sector. Since then, she has studied topics such as the occupational gender segregation, the employment duration of low-income women, and the glass ceiling faced by women in the Brazilian labor market.
Her main research interests are in the areas of Labor Economics, Gender Economics, and Applied Microeconometrics.
Selected Publications
Duração do emprego formal e desigualdade de gênero no Brasil: o caso das famílias de baixa renda (‘Employment duration and gender inequality in Brazil: the case of low-income families’) with D. Santos and A. Leichsenring (2019). Pesquisa e Planejamento Econômico, 49: 65-96.
Diferenças salariais por gênero no setor público brasileiro no período 2002-2015: magnitude, evolução e determinantes (‘Gender differences in pay in the Brazilian public sector between 2002 and 2015: extent, trends, and explanations’) (2018). Acta Scientiarum. Human and Social Sciences 40(2): e41507.
O teto de vidro nas organizações públicas: evidências para o Brasil (‘The glass ceiling in public organizations: the case of Brazil’) (2013). Economia e Sociedade 22(3): 765-790.
Segregação ocupacional por sexo no setor público brasileiro no período 1995 e 2008 (‘Occupational gender segregation in the Brazilian public sector between 1995 and 2008’) with R. Hoffmann (2011). Revista da ABET 10(1): 120-141.