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Marriage is an institution that has been changing over time. The union between men and women has already represented the union of countries, kingdoms, families and fortunes. Today it represents much more the desire between two people to share their life.


In addition, the definition of marriage today is broader than it was in the past, considering the union between two people regardless of whether or not they have the same gender. Furthermore, the stable union present in the country has the same legal value as a civil marriage.

The demographic changes that have occurred in the country in the past few decades reveal a country in which couples have a higher average age and fewer or no children. In addition, levels of schooling have improved and religious distribution has changed. The proportion of neo-Pentecostals increased to more than 20% of the population. The proportion of couples in which both are in the labor market has grown and the number of female breadwinners has also increased.

All of these changes reveal a different family structure that affects decisions such as consumption, investment in human capital, fertility, social security, divorce, elections, among others, which raises the importance of studying the effects of these changes on society's pattern of marriage.


The following projects are examples of research that we have developed:

  • Marriage in the time of HIV/Aids epidemic 

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