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Giovanna Ubida


Giovanna is a Ph.D. Student in Economics at Insper Institute of Education and Research, in São Paulo, Brazil. Her research interest is development microeconomics and applied econometrics, with a focus on crime and gender violence.


Eloiza Almeida 

Eloiza Almeida is a Msc in Economics and Development at the Federal University of São Paulo. Her research interests include Labor Economics, Gender Economics, Regional Economics, Social and Public Policies Evaluation and Applied Microeconometrics. 

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Kelly Gonçalves dos Santos


Graduated in Economics from the University of São Paulo (2017), with a master’s degree in economics from the São Paulo School of Economics (2020), and a Ph.D. in Economics from the São Paulo School of Economics (2024). Spent a period as a Visiting Student at the University of Georgia (UGA) in 2023. Worked as a Research Assistant at the Society of Family and Gender Economics (Gefam). Professor of Mathematics and Microeconomics in the undergraduate and master's programs in Economics at FGV EESP.

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Maria Oaquim


Maria holds a degree and MA in Economics from PUC-Rio. Currently, she is a PhD student at Princeton University. Her research area is Labor Economics, Development Economics and Inequality, with a focus on Gender Inequality.

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