Ana Fava
Professor and researcher at the Federal University of ABC in Economics. Her research focuses on gender, bargaining, well-being, durable goods, the economics of education, and feminist economics.
Received a Ph.D. in Agricultural and Consumer Economics from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, a Bachelor's in Economics, and a Master's in Economics from the University of São Paulo. It is a member of the editorial board of Revista de Empreendedorismo, Negócios e Inovação (RENI) from UFABC.
She was the first director of graduate students of Economics at UFABC and belonged to the editorial board of UFABC Press. Before became a professor at UFABC, she worked as consulting in economics to the public and private sectors. At this same time, she taught at INSPER and PUC-SP.
FAVA, A. C. P.; SCHRODER, M.; FORATO, L. O. C. Desigualdade de Gênero e Desenvolvimento Econômico. In: ZIMERMAN, ARTUR. (Org.). Os 'Brasis' e suas desigualdades. 1ed.: , 2017, v. , p. 41-57.